Oct 22, 2005 09:39
Ok, let me list a set of reasons why people jump in and out of situations too quickly, that no one can predict where they are going, what they are doing or any combination of the 3 of 4 reasons/questions people have when doing so..
Did I lose you? :)
There's something about me and Melissa that just keeps us together. I think we both feel that the glue that holds us together tho isnt enough to keep us together oh.. say till 2846. But, I have magnets on the bottom of my feet that draw me back to this apartment.. Yeah, I moved my stuff out. Yeah, we BOTH... HEAR ME MEL?!?! BOTH!!! said hurtful things to one another. We both tried to be defensive in this whole ordeal, but, since my defensive mech's shut down all my emotion, I was able to win a few battles... (But my dear, look at where I am now and tell me who won the war? ;) ) I dont know if being together is the best thing for us.. since we fight and argue and fight and argue, but I know that my entire attitude is going to change... *BUT WAIT DAVE, YOU'VE SAID THAT A BILLION TIMES BEFORE!!! WHY ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE IT STICK NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!* Well, my nosy little friend, I felt secure in saying that I would always be here and I would always be able to walk in and out of the apartment without any idea or notion of what the consquences would be if I fucked up. Because, I didnt care. Because I felt like I had the upper hand in all situations and that I controlled what happened.
The fact is, she has the upper hand.. and with one of her beautiful smiles, can leave me stunned without knowing, what to do where to go.. and make me reflect on how much of a total dickhead I have been.. (which is usually all the time *rolls eyes and hits self in head* .. Yeah.. all the time.)
For the time being.. I may be single, but I'm not looking. I think we need to give a system format to the whole situation.. and start fresh.. (for some part) I think we need to see how we can be together as the best of friends.. take time to reflect on what was wrong (that's mostly my part) and see how things go.
BTW: On another note, I don't know how many of you read the entry about my so called new "friends", psh... Done and done. If anyone wants the real story, You'll know why I'm trying to talk to God to get that week of my life back.. (and you'll be talking to him about getting the hour of story time back.) They are trash. Nothing I need to clutter my already messed up life with... and guess who pulled up her sleeves and helped me take out the trash? mm-hmm... Ol' Smiling big boobs back here. :)
So, *raises glass*, here's to one of the only people I can depend on when things get rough. Here's to someone that will stick by me through anything that happens in today's society.. Here's to one of the greatest girls I have ever known to exist, and one of my truest and dearest best friends.
Here's to Melissa.