Character Elena
Age 24
Gender Female
Physical Appearance Elena is small, especially when standing next to her coworkers. She's about 5'2", and weighs 110 pounds soaking wet. To make up for her size, she trains hard and there isn't an ounce of spare fat on her body (meaning: she's got no boobs. Sorry, Reno.). She has short blonde hair and brown eyes.
She's aged a bit in the years since the events that take place in Advent Children--while she still looks quite young (she still gets carded. a LOT.), she can no longer pass for a teenager.
Personality Elena grew up constantly being compared to her older sister...which left a few complexes. No matter what she did, she couldn't seem to escape the shadow being held over her at all times. A lot of this was actually in her head, though she didn't know it at the time (but a few required sessions with a Company therapist later in life helped make her aware of this). She needed the competition. It was much easier to pin her problems on Rosalind than to actually take responsibility for them.
She's moved beyond that, though. Mostly.
Elena's mellowed out quite a bit since the end of the original game. She's far less likely to blurt out sensitive information at the drop of a hat, for instance, though she's been known to slip up and do it on occasion.
When reporting to her superiors (Rufus, Tseng, and--occasionally--Reeve), she is extremely professional and polite. When around Reno and Rude, however, she...isn't. She annoys fairly easily, especially at Reno, and has been known to lose her temper rather spectacularly at times.
Being tortured by Kadaj, et. all left both physical and emotional scars. She still suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (hence the visits to Shin-Ra's on-call psychiatrist), and is often plagued by nightmares.
History Since Advent Children, most of Elena's duties as a Turk have moved off the streets and indoors. She often feels like an extremely well-paid secretary and grumbles about it from time to time.
She's dated a little, but nothing long-term. Turks--even Turks who are stuck doing paperwork day in and day out and only fire their weapons in the shooting range--don't get married and have kids. Veld was a notable exception to the rule, and he ended up paying dearly for it. That fact, of course, hasn't stopped her mother from asking, in the way of all mothers, when she is going to "settle down and give her grandkids."
Elena's long-standing crush on Tseng hasn't disappeared, but it's become more of a force of habit than anything. Tseng is just as unobtainable as he was when she first became a Turk several years before. They became closer after their shared ordeal in the Northern Crater, but she's become pretty resigned to the fact that he will probably never return her feelings.
Her closest relationships are with Reno and Rude. They're her only real friends...even if she and Reno do argue like siblings in the back seat of a car on a long road trip.
Specialized Abilities Elena's extremely skilled with almost every kind of firearm, though she prefers a pistol. She has the best aim of all the Turks, meaning that she's found herself on a rooftop with a sniper rifle more than once or twice. She's also quite good with Materia, though it's less in vogue than it used to be, and has a basic proficiency with hand-to-hand combat.
Third-person sample
Technically, Turks didn’t have days off. The contract they had all signed when they were hired had clearly specified that they were on call 24/7. They were just as likely to be working at way-too-early on a Sunday morning as they were at two o’clock on a Thursday afternoon. There was no nine-to-five with this job.
Lately, though, Tseng had been letting them take ‘mental health days’ with almost frightening regularity. Their workload was at an all-time low, meaning that they usually had at least two days a week to themselves.
This left Elena in a delicate situation. She had all this time on her hands, and had no idea what to do with it! Idle hands were the Devil’s playground, and all that. She hadn’t had a social life-outside of the Company-since she’d signed on. Sure, there had been a couple of guys here and there, but nothing long-term. Despite her mother’s nagging, she was no closer to settling down and producing the desired 2.4 grandchildren, white picket fence, and golden retriever than she had been before Meteor. Turks just weren’t the marrying type. The closest she had ever gotten to a “romantic relationship” with one of her co-workers was a rather stiff, overly formal dinner date with Tseng after he’d gotten out of the hospital (although being shish-kebobed by Sephiroth mere minutes after asking her out had certainly put a damper on things, Tseng had been a perfect gentleman and remembered his promise). The food had been extravagant, the wine excellent, and the night absolutely fruitless.
So here she was, spending her “day off” in bed, watching television. She hadn’t ever really watched that much before now. It was enlightening.
Soap operas, especially, baffled her. They were boring!
She had honestly tried to watch an episode of Edge’s most popular daytime drama-a family saga that had been running for decades and hadn’t let a little thing like Meteor and the almost complete societal collapse that had followed stop it-just to say that she had, but she hadn’t lasted more than fifteen minutes. The lead actress’s frighteningly artificial eyebrows had been a point of morbid fascination for a little while, but even they couldn’t save Elena’s fingers from wandering towards the remote. The twenty-four hour news service that ran out of Junon was always worth a laugh, mostly because she knew far more about what was going on at any given time than they did, but the reports of disease, poverty, and starvation in the slums got far too depressing after a few minutes.
Elena flipped through crime dramas (unrealistic), children’s shows (disturbing), and old movies that had been chopped down and edited for the TV audience (badly-written). She almost wanted the phone to ring and Tseng to call her back to the office, just so that she’d have something to do.
Looking over at the alarm clock on her bedside table, she frowned. 12:43 pm. Reno probably wasn’t up yet.
Hell, he’d probably just gone to bed.
After shooting him and Rude a quick text message (Call me when you’re free. Maybe we can get a beer or something.), she sunk back into the cushions, looking thoroughly dejected. She was bored.
First-Person Entry
You know, I can usually taste it when you spike the coffee pot. Whiskey's pretty freaking distinctive, even with coffee.
Better luck next time.