Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Cheese-Its and Salami; Gardetto's
Best combo ever. Cheesy, salty, and meaty... mmmmm; BEST SNACK FOOD EVER. Drunk or sober.
Literary: Harry Potter Yaya.... made for 12 year-olds... whatever... I think it's interesting and fun to read.Audiovisual: Resident Evil 4, Gun, any first person shooter game I can't get enough of blowing people heads off.
Musical: Ashlee Simpson I love her CD and on the bad days, I blare it into my headphones and rock out. Fuck it, on the good days too.
Celebrity: Robert Downey Jr. I've loved him since the first time he was on Ally McBeal back in high school.
Now I tag:-
nobody tagged me whatever and
dudes to complete this same Quiz, Its