(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 17:25

Sometimes I think about people who are incapable of doing math problems, or learning a new language and I think I'm lucky because I can do both. But then I remember, that when it comes to doing ANYTHING relating to the web (heheh Jess);

Example 1: I make typos because my hands react before my brain can think.
Typing and I have never gotten along. I have taken typing classes, played typing games online, did the whole Mavis Beacon thing... nothing. I have nothing to show for it. I will always make insanely weird typos and that is just then end of it. They say practice makes perfect, that's bullshit. PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect. I have yet to type a paragraph without hitting the backspace button at least 20 times. And this has been going on for years.... Taylor once said he thought I was a fast typist until he realized that most of the time I was just hitting backspace. True. Very true. Repeatedly hitting a key does sound like you are typing fast. In fact, I've hit that key about 400 times since I started this paragraph.

Example 2: I really thought she wanted to rape and kill my cat.
There are not many people who think I am a moron. Yes, I have my moments of utter embarrassment when I say that "the North Pole is warmer than the South Pole because heat rises", but everyone has these moments I believe. Anywho, as I was saying, I am not an idiot, but when it comes to LiveJournal, it seems that I can never get humor. I get confused by comments and make errors that make me look clueless. Now, there are several reasons for this, one of which is that it is difficult to "read" sarcasm. In person, you can make judgments about a situation based on tone of voice and facial expressions. Over the internet, I cannot pick up on these subtle, yet imperative clues. So if I fail to see your sarcasm or fail to comprehend your comments, this is why.

Example 3: Web-Inept.
Ok, so Cy did this once and I thought it was one of the funniest, cleverest comments I had ever read on LJ. The idea is that each word is a link to one of Taylor's boring posts about work, so he looks like a hypocrite. So, me, failing to remember that I am internet-ally handicapped, attempted a feat out of my range. So, I know the whole "a href" shit because I used to design websites in high school. But the thing with HTML is that typos are fatal. You mistype something and whatever you were trying to do is fucked up. In this instance, I first posted it to the wrong post. Classic Deanna mistake. No biggie, that's funny, I'll just copy/paste that shit to the right spot. Then I decide I don't like it to be 4 words up and down so I'm going to change it. So, of course, I forgot spaces. No biggie, delete and do it again. But somehow through all of this, I managed to delete ".html" in the first 3 links. Tight. So it doesn't work, and once again, I remember that I am web-handicapped. Cool. To some people, it just comes naturally. For example Rob can make a post with like 15 links in it and not fuck it up. That amazes me. I couldn't even get half of my links to work, yet his are flawless and informative. I envy this. If I tried to do that shit, all the links wouldn't work and you guys would have no idea what I was trying to do. Which is what happened in this case.

Well, whatever. I guess I'm over it. I know that no one will read this, but that's cool. At least I can explain myself and reference this in the future when I inevitably fail at being web-savvy. Hearts for everyone.
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