May 15, 2011 16:39
So, I've noticed a bit of a trend lately that I find disturbing--Furs seem to think its cool to be a dick.
I don't really know how else to describe it. Basically, it seems to have become cool in some circles for people to put others down with hyperbolic vitriol while at the same time touting their own self-proclaimed superiority.
So, yeah, basically being dicks. And, yeah, I know people like this have always been around, but it seems to me like this attitude is gaining a lot more acceptance, lately, and these people are becoming more popular.
And that's exactly why they're doing it. Because people flock to it and no one holds them accountable. Its so much easier to be like "OMG, yeah...they are such losers. I'm cool like you, though, right?"
Well, no. They're not cool for being a jerk and you're not cool for supporting it.
And I'm not saying some people aren't annoying or that we should all hang out and like everyone else. Anyone who knows me, knows I don't feel that way at all. But its one thing to make a decision not to hang with someone or be their friend, and another to try to prop up your own ego by putting down everyone around you.
So I'd like to make a call out to everyone to stop accepting and encouraging this behavior. When someone acts like an ass, don't feed their ego by agreeing. When someone says how awesome they are, don't stroke their cock and ask to hang out. Lets hold assholes accountable, and not by being assholes back. Instead, just don't make them feel cool or popular. Just roll your eyes and make it clear you think they're being absurd and then proverbially walk away.
P.S. This isn't a reaction to any one person or any conversation I had today or anything. Just a furry PSA of sorts. :P