A Day of Revelations

Feb 23, 2006 15:28

So today as I was walking back from WRA I realized how much more empowered I've felt the last few days. Interesting huh? I think that a lot of this has to do with the fact that I've finally realized that Kevin was not the guy for me. Funny that it's taken me almost 6 months to the day to realize this. But looking at things now I can definatly see how it was not a good relationship. And now, after 6 months I'm finally allowing myself to be angry at him. And I know you're all thinking, "WHAT?" But serriously I've been defending him and not letting myself get mad all this time. I know I'm hopeless. But today, I let myself get mad. And it was a damn good thing I was walking really, really fast back to Hubbard so that I could come sit here and type on LJ. Serriously, I'm in class, but we're going over how to use the library search system, which I am a pro at. It's going to be my job. I should know how to use it. I so just answered a question. Hehe. So getting away with not paying attention. Anywho. So yeah. It was an interesting thing to realize as I walked home today. Maybe it's because Pat told me that Kevin might be coming here next year, which someone should probably warn him that if he does he should stay far away from me. Kicking his ass, or at least kicking him in the balls will be my first reaction. Not even joking. And I think that maybe it's because things might actually be going somewhere with Chris. I was thinking today about how he caught my eye the very first night at church. Now this may not seem important, but the first night of church was 6 days after I finally asked Kevin what the hell was going on, which so could have been handled better, likie 2 months before with a simple phone call, "Hi Jen, Just wanted to let you know I don't love you any more and really don't feel like ever speaking to you again in my life, so I think we should break things off" Serriously, although I may have broken into sobs and not been able to say anything it would have been so much better than 2 months of not speaking to me. Gosh. And I'm dead serrious about that kicking him in the balls thing if I see him. I think that would solidfy the closure there. And if it doesn't happen it'll be alright.
I'm really hopeing that things work out with Chris. And not just because I want a guy, but because he's really nice, and kinda cute, plus he fits my stereotype perfectly, skinny with glasses. And the kinda curly hair doesn't hurt either ;-) And he's smart, and he could help me with my econ, and he wants to travel and the list goes on and on, and to tell you the truth, I've really only had about 4 real conversations with him. Plus he likes country music. Hell he almost freaked out because he forgot to tell me that he wanted to go to the Big and Rich concert. Luckily I took care of that. ;-) And he loves band. Really it doesn't get any better than that. He said he'd burn me all the SMB cds from like the past 5 years, and he thinks I need to audition for SMB. Which I would love to, but I think Corner Blitz director would be so much better. Plus if I was in band I couldn't take pictures during the games like I love to. Plus I have an amazing new camera and can not wait for football season, we're under 200 days until the frist Spartan Football game. We at like 180 I think, but don't take my word for it. Alright, this has gotten really really long and I should probably start paying attention again since we're about to start talking about Acess and I need a little refresher.
Have a great weekend ya'll.
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