Title: Bruises and Bitemarks
masanamiCharacter(s): Hotsuma/Shusei, mentions of Senshirou/Kuroto, Tsukumo/Touko, Takashiro, Tachibana
Word Count: 3,483
Rating: R
Warnings: Host AU. Suggestive material.
Summary: Shusei's the perfect host and Hotsuma's the perfect person to ruin everything for him.
Author's Note: Editing this chapter was a nightmare
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What's an AO3 account? Can't say I've ever heard of it....and I used to have an ff.net account a LONG, LONG time ago...but I got over that place a long time ago and never went back. And as far as being more wide-spread...I was planning on announcing this during the next chapter release but I've already mentioned it in other comments (I think) but B&B is actually going to be part of a series. I was initially going to continue onward into just one long big fic but now I am breaking it up into arcs so-to-say (so you could consider this the first part, or the first in a series of stories set in the Host AU I've created). They will all be connected, continue with Hotsuma and Shusei's story (as the primary story ), as well as encompass some of the other characters as well (some of the late introductions will make more sense in the next two chapters^^). Overall, having them separated a bit will give me a little more freedom as B&B deals mostly with the beginning of Hotsuma and Shusei's relationship and the other stories will focus on other aspects of their relationship and what develops from this story.
Thanks for commenting! :)
It's visually appealing and well sorted, among other things, and seams to be quite respected. I suppose it might be the invite system, so getting an account is iffy if you don't know anyone who'd invite you. But there's an LJ comm (ao3-invitecodes) that deals with getting people in... else you want to wait until 2013 :P
ff.net looks like a bland skeleton from the early days of Web 2.0 compared to it *shakes cane*.
As for this news of expansion, well wow, that sounds great! I'd like to see the teachers make an appearance. Hopefully the manga-ka will, in time, give us more back-story on them. Since they were introduced I can't, for the love of god, get over how much they look like Hotsuma & Shusein + 10 years. I bet the author loves rubbing this shit into our faces...
Obviously, I want to include as many characters as I can without detracting things from the main Hotsuma/Shusei storyline^^ haha and I agree--they are just like an older Hotsuma and Shusei!! I'm hoping we see more of a backstory as well. I'd like to see how Shusei and his cousin interact with each other well--somehow I think the four of them in the same room together would have a really interesting dynamic pfft
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