Title: Bruises and Bitemarks
masanamiCharacter(s): Hotsuma/Shusei, mentions of Senshirou/Kuroto, Takashiro, Tachibana, and others
Word Count: 6,200
Rating: R
Warnings: Host AU. Suggestive material.
Summary: Shusei's the perfect host and Hotsuma's the perfect person to ruin everything for him.
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay in getting this out
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And now I am SO curious! The other characters will be of huge importance, too? Waaah, that's amazing, darling; I SO love stories with more views, more people actually touching the story of the main characters and changing their attitudes as well as their wishes, and I am SO curious for Kuroto's role and aaah *__*
But it's funny how it sometimes gets so hard to nail down how long something's going to be. As long as there's plot, and list, always give it a go, and share even the B-sides with us (we need a Kuroto/Senshirou B-Side for this story, hooon! Only something short but - please?;_;)
Senshirou and Kuroto most definitely have a backstory that's already been developed in my head, one very relevant, in some ways, to Shusei. Hopefully I'll be able to incorporate that story in with this one ♥
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