Title: Stalemate
masanamiCharacter(s): Senshirou/Kuroto
Word Count: 1,235
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Summary: Senshirou and Kuroto play shogi and try to ignore all the problems between them.
Author's Note: My first attempt at some Senshirou/Kuroto ♥ We'll see how this goes...I'm still figuring out their characters^^
Senshirou liked new days, they reminded him of new beginnings and change )
The way Kuroto answered the phone without moving Senshiro's hand away from his face was wonderful. It strikes me as so typical of him - accepting Senshiro's love, but passively, without initiating the gestures or acting as if he wants them, when really he relies on them so much. The two of them have such a strange understanding - in some ways, each knows exactly how the other feels about him and doesn't need to say or hear it, in other ways they're too vulnerable and unsure of where they stand with one another. I think you conveyed that well.
I want to gush some more, but I'll restrain myself. Thanks for this! I enjoyed it very much.
I definitely see Kuroto as being the type to passive accept Senshirou's love. I think he doesn't really no what to do, and kinda rebels, whenever Senshirou is too forward^^
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