Moon Prism Power

Nov 22, 2019 14:05

I am considering backing this Kickstarter:

I have tried to get in the habit of making dream boards on the new moon. Not just because I am a hipster who drinks matcha au laits and owns a Fjällräven Kånken but because new moons happen every month so if I push it "just one day later" right on through another moon phase, I get a chance to pull it off again next month. Other natural "let's start something new" energy times are yearly and that's super stressful.

I actually like making dream boards. I've been making them from time to time since I was in Niigata. (Let's not think about how long ago that was...) However, I don't do it as often as I wish I did. I have unused boards stowed away. I have saved a plethora of images. I just balk at the starting gun.

Maybe this planner would hold my hand through paying more attention to moon phases so that it becomes old hat to paste some pictures down once a month. Plus it has hints about eating in season which is another somewhat pretentious interest of mine...
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