The Maelstrom Which is My Life

Jul 07, 2013 15:34

I'm procrastinating, but I figured I hadn't done an entry in a while, so what the heck.

Life has been chaotic since the move.  And when I say that, I'm not using the term loosely.  I am literally living in chaos.  Our living space is still mostly unpacked, our routines have been all but destroyed, I've been working 11 hour days doing manual labor and serving wine slushies, and drama has peeked its ugly head into the cloud of chaos a few times.  I literally don't know what day of the week it is most of the time, I'm living on coffee and carnival food (with a few Katie-cooked meals here and there), and I haven't seen Gareth or Katie all that much.

But for some perverse reason, I'm enjoying it (excluding the not seeing Katie and Gareth bit).  Working festivals is dirty, sweaty, and - the last few weekends at least - muddy work, but I'd rather be doing this than sitting in a cubicle, procrastinating online between mind-numbing jobs and asinine orders from management that has no idea how reality works.  Although I wouldn't mind if the humidity and rain would give it a rest for a while...

Anyway, in between all the chaos are little pockets of family time.  It might just be going to the store as a family, or an impromptu trip to see a waterfall, or a quick drive to get some soft serve, but they're there to keep me anchored.  I just hope that Gareth isn't suffering too much from such a splintered routine.  I had a moment of intense guilt (and sadness) thinking about the routine we had developed over the past few years, and how it was totally ripped out from underneath him a couple of weeks ago, and how a new one hasn't really replaced it yet.  But he's doing surprisingly good.  And he really enjoys seeing his grandfather (my father-in-law and current boss) on a regular basis.  So, the days have had their good along with the bad.

Did I mention I could do without the humidity?

Coming up, I'll be working Country Jam, with a day off on Saturday to drive back into Rochester to see a friend who's in town (and because it's my birthday), and then immediately following that I'll be working the Syracuse Nationals.  All this while trying to keep up with Bardsworth.

Speaking of which, I better get back to work now...
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