Apr 08, 2013 11:51
My hen & I were heading down to the lake last week for a sunset picnic (w/wine :) when an incident occurred which lead to a bit of a revelation. To gain access to the lake/river area, one must pass through a locked gate. Only permit holders are issued a key. Ahead of us was a gentleman whom had exited his pickup to open the gate, leaving his door ajar. The key remains in the lock until the gate is closed, so I just drove on through and waved. As we passed, we heard the local 740AM (or 950AM) talk radio host on the gentleman's radio. As luck/timing would have it, as we drove past we heard the host, Michael Berry, say "THE GAY AGENDA". This was all we heard, but it was enough for me to come to a realization on something:
The right/conservatives have more of a 'gay agenda', per se, than the gays. We both laughed & continued on to our picnic & wine - which was most excellent.