Aug 17, 2004 21:32
it's a cycle. in general, how everything works out. it's ironic how hard i tried to escape things and change my life and, i didn't. yet, i'm content. i guess the only thing i really needed to escape was judgement. or maybe it's just a vicious cycle.
high school needs to die. little things that still bother me about high school need to die. like how sometimes i feel some of my best friends are betraying me... but they aren't. the only thing they're doing is being friendly. but it's something else. something i lost sleep over last night. ok, that probably makes sense to 3 people, 2 of whom don't read my livejournal.
no matter how hard i've tried to keep my life relatively private since june, i keep running into people who make it relatively public. it's sickening.
anyway, i'm happy. i got a (bakers) dozen roses 2 weeks ago. they're dead now, but they still make me happy. i'm finally getting a new cell phone sometime next week. i'm being surprised on saturday. it's not disneyland but that's okay.
i'm scared about being alone next year which is ironic because i'd planned on being reclusive in the first place.