summer is almost half over and I'm not even close to being done with my relaxation

Jun 28, 2007 15:48

I haven't updated much lately. There isn't much to say except that I'm in therapy, in summer school and am trying to write a flippin' outline due in 20 hours for my speech class because my professor happens to be a grad student and the only problem with grad student professors is that they believe in making undergrads work just as hard as they do. If I was tall enough I'd reach up there and smack him around a little bit.

Actually, come to think of it, there's a lot to say. I dropped my Algebra class (for the second time in my college career) because I'm math retarded. John adopted a female basset hound and then took her back because a) I was wheezing after a few hours and he didn't want to compromise my health (sweet of him, I know) and b) he had forgotten how much work dogs are. I tried to tell him that. He only had her for 24 hours.
We talked and talked and talked about a lot of things that concern us and the general questions of where this is all going, and we both cried and held each other. Love is a wonderful gift that can very easily become sick and sticky. I don't recommend it for the weak or faint-hearted.
I've decided to apply for a job at the Writing Center on campus and am praying like crazy that I get it. If you read this thing at all, one might wonder what use I will be at a writing center. I enjoy and fully endorse the use of fragments and run-ons here. I don't even think about my correct verb usage here anymore. Whatever. It's blog that I generally use for my own narcissistic satisfaction. I could really use the $7.50 an hour, so please, feel free to pray for me or send good energy my way, whatever works best for you.

Five people I know have gotten married this year so far, including my voice teacher from high school who actually bought her rings at the store I work at now. Weird coincidence, no? John's alcoholic brother married his recovered heroin addict girlfriend (they met in rehab) on Tuesday, so that makes six. They're expecting twins and moving to ......(drumroll, please)............Huntsville! I can think of so many other wonderful cities in Texas to move to. El Paso comes to mind. I'm so thrilled.
One of my best friends from high school is getting married September 1st. She's Mormon and her boyfriend just came back from his mission. He was back for a month and now there's a ring on her finger. It's bizarre to me, but I'm happy for her, and she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids. I agreed because she's my friend (duh) and it's kind of an honor. No one has ever asked me to be a bridesmaid before. Luckily, I look good in both pink and navy, her colors. I don't have to go into the temple and be any part of the religious ceremony, just have to attend to her before and after the ceremony. So, basically, I get to do all the fun stuff, except drink at the reception. So, that will bring the count to eight before summer is over; friends are getting married on July 7th (ick...07/07/07). Also, another friend is about to propose to his girlfriend. And a girl in my speech class is getting married in November.

Oh, and we should all chip in and build an ark, because Marble Falls drowned the other night and we're gonna be next.
That is all.
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