Apr 14, 2003 03:00
I forgot to write about the Sigur Ros concert so here it is. One of, if not the best concert I've ever been to. I think it even beat out tool. The emotion in the music was unbelievable. The lighting was, indescribable. The singer was right on and the band played perfectly. They even had a string quintet with them. Some of the most serene and awe inspiring music I've ever heard. There was just so much feeling in the sound that it was almost like the band could control the audiences emotions just by changing a note or key... kind of like poets do with a simple rhyme or phrase. I had both albums before the concert but they sounded 100000xs better live. It was unbelievable. The place was packed to capacity. These guys rarely come to the U.S. and have never been to Phoenix before. Most of their shows not only sell out, but seats usually sell (starting price) at over $100, we saw them for about $33. I won't even hesitate to see them again if I hear they're playing nearby. A band I had never heard before called Album Leaf opened up for them. Great band too, very chill stuff. Unbelievable concert, I can't say enough to do it justice.