i was really sleepy last night, so i couldn't be bothered to update much.
BUT to save time on replying to peoples' comments i will just do this here.
so, my interview was for a shop called
the paper mill, which sells arts & crafts for people to make their own greetings cards, letterheads, gift tags, etc etc. so, my interview was at 1:30pm - i got there at 1:10pm, and they let me do my interview there and then. i explained my interest in art, how i wanted to either open my own café/gallery showcasing 'amateur' artists' work, or train to be an art teacher. they told me that i would be taking over the job of a girl called leonie (sp?), and would be working four hours on a saturday at £4.80 an hour - a wage that they said might go up in october, but no promises. they asked if i could work more than that, and i said i could work all day sunday, wednesday & friday afternoon, throughout the half term holiday and also over christmas and new year. they asked if i would mind doing in-store demos, which i'm guessing involves showing people how to do things like
this. i said sure, which they made a big deal out of.. apparently people hate talking in front of people. i used to hate it but i don't mind so much anymore :) which i think they liked. so yeah. i walked out of the interview not really sure of how it went - as far as 'conventional' job interviews go, it was nothing like that. nothing about teamwork or "what has been your biggest achievement so far" etc etc, which i was grateful for. i was just myself, which is why i didn't think they were that impressed - i'm not exactly interesting or different :/
so i decided to walk up to subway, then check out waterstone's for carol anne duffy's new book, rapture. after i'd eaten, i was having a cigarette when my phone started ringing. the nice lady on the other end asked if i could start work on saturday.
"you'll have to work a full day though, so i can train you"
"it's 11:30 'til 4:30"
haha. they call 5 hours a full day! in the hair cuttery i had to work 9:00am 'til 6:00pm with no break whatsoever. i'm going to love this job so much, i just know it.
(cut to next week when i'm moaning about it already)