Title: could i rest my faith in there? notes and fanmix
the_beccaroo Pairing: Nuke, Noah/Luke
Characters: Noah, Luke, Damian, the Colonel, others
Author's Note & Fanmix
Author's Note: And we're done! If you're actually reading this, I just want to thank you for getting through the whole damn fic and not giving up on me. I don't really write long chapter fics (because they don't get finished) and I definitely don't write a lot of "getting together" fic (stick mostly to established relationship) so this was new for me. Really new. Scary as hell new. I just want to hand out a few thank yous -
cutebunny43 for your everlasting support and eternal good nature, even when I whined to you for hours about how I couldn't write sex. Also, for demanding MOAR REID, because he fit in just perfectly.
aoleander aka Allegra, who drew such beautiful, gorgeous, heartmeltingly amazing
artwork for me that I'm literally breathless and who had to deal with me being the worst email correspondent to exist, and of course the beautiful ladies of
nukebigbang for making all this wonderful fic possible. Muchas gracias, diolch yn fawr, grazie - or as the Maltese say: grazzi!
could i rest my faith in there? the fanmix
download here say it's possible | terra naomi
And the truth is such a funny thing
With all these people
Keep on telling me
They know what's best
And what to be frightened of
And all the rest are wrong
They know nothing about us
make believe | thornley
I've got this film in my head
They've scripted all that I've said
Let's make it real before we're dead
rain | patty griffin
It's hard to listen to a hard hard heart
Beating close to mine
Pounding up against the stone and steel
Walls that I won't climb
little lion man | mumford and sons
Weep for yourself, my man,
You'll never be what is in your heart
Weep little lion man,
You're not as brave as you were at the start
i love you, you imbecile | pelle carlberg
I love the way you talk
I love the way you stalk me
with your mobile phone
I love the way you smile
The way you're juvenile
I love the way you moan
when you say (nine) | gabe bondoc
when you
when you say you
love love me
i can hear my heart
beat beat
race behind my chest
a little closer | jeff pianki
We forget
We fall and we're full of regret
You can say what you want
When your heart is controlled by your head
winter winds | mumford and sons
And my head
Told my heart
"Let love grow."
But my heart
told my head
"This time no,
this time no."
i just want you | aj rafael
Don't want to feel so cold inside
I want to feel the warmth that I feel with you, all the time
Surrounding me just like the wind
how will he find me | deb talan
If I don't stand out like a star among the moons
if I am always late and he always backs away too soon
I walk the world with a skin so thin
I can wear no adequate protection
Everything comes crashing in.
take the long way home | shane mack
I couldn't look you in the eye
And tell another lie
Have to do this on my own
I'll take the long way home,
the long way home
if you could only see | tonic
If you could only see
how blue [his] eyes can be when [he] says
When [he] says [he] loves me
Seems the road less traveled
Show's happiness unraveled
And you got to take a little dirt
To keep what you love
That's what you gotta do
letters from the sky | civil twilight
One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon
And we will hear those planes overhead and we won't have to be scared
We won't have to be scared, we won't have to be scared
whetstones | deb talan
I'm staring at your neck
Thinking, thinking
Could i rest my faith in there?
Stay a while...
Stay a while...
Something about your eyes
Something that might
Melt the winter in my heart
Like a tongue touching snow
Fic Notes (Various Ramblings)
--The title of this fic is from a Deb Talan song called Whetstones, which is on the fanmix I made one night while I was procrastinating. Please feel free to download and give some merit to the fact that I can’t concentrate on a fic for longer than 10 minutes at a time.
--Noah’s code name in the beginning is of course a reference to The Thin Man movies, featuring the lovely Myrna Loy and wonderful William Powell. I like to think that everyone else just thinks it’s because he’s on the lanky side and Noah secretly revels in the tiny bit of rebelliousness that he’s pulled off.
--Noah’s scene where he explains why black and white movies are so important is based off of both my father’s intense love for Only Angels Have Wings (it’s his favorite movie…I’ve only seen it about sixteen times :P) and Howard Hawks’ (the director’s) response to a critic, who said that it was the only movie Hawks ever made that “didn’t have any truth in it.” The director responded, “Every blooming thing in that movie was true. I knew the men that were in it and everything about it. But it was just where truth was stranger than fiction.”
--Not one single bit of this fic was written chronologically. I had about three different word documents going, all named various and vague things like BODYGUARD THING and NOAHBIGBANGWHAT and THAT SCENE THING. At the end I pieced it all together and edited. God, I hope it’s not shit.
--A lot of writing got done after I looked up famous Luke/Noah conversations and stole bits and pieces of those and put them in. Some of them are really obvious (Luke’s ‘baby, baby you’re shaking’ or Noah’s ‘Nothing’ when asked what’s wrong before kissing Luke) but there’s a bunch more in there too.
--I write from Noah’s point of view (not necessarily first person, but just generally on his end of things) a lot. There’s a few reasons for this. Out of the two, he is my favorite, but it’s also because words that I associate with Noah are ones that I simply adore. When you talk about Noah, you can use words like sincerely and honesty and genuinely and earnestly. You can say simple and sweet and clear and blue, and it’s all Noah, all wrapped up in a bow.
--The scene where the boat catches fire and Noah and Luke have to jump off? Totally inspired by that scene in the first Mummy movie. I think I’ve seen that movie at least a forty times (and that’s honestly no exaggeration) and that’s always my favorite bit. It made the plot like 60x harder and probably 100x more unlikely but WHO CARES. NOAH SAVES PEOPLE, OKAY!?
--The bit where Noah’s drunk? Written when I was drunk! Talk about method writing here, people. I am obviously devoted to my craft.
--Pretty much the only person who read this before it was posted was my friend Jules, whose main critique/demand was MOAR REID. Reid was originally supposed to disappear after stitching Luke up, but I am nothing without my fans - so I obliged. He made things easier along the way actually, which I found pretty funny - because had this actually occurred in real life, that probably wouldn’t have been the case with him.
--Okay, I know most of you don’t know/don’t care about this - but the Malta airport (the only one in all of Malta) does not actually fly directly to the United States. If Luke and Noah were to actually pull the trip that I made them do, they’d probably fly from Malta to Heathrow and then Heathrow to Dallas. But as that was something stupid to write, I didn’t - but I felt like I had to tell you all, in the interest of full-disclosure. Me = fail.
--So the sex was actually the very last thing I finished, because as much as I gleefully read the word cock in fics… I am apparently completely incapable of writing it myself or using it in a non-awkward context. Sex is hard people. (Pun SO intended.)
art post |
master post