Mar 28, 2006 19:41
Not a good time Gytha North has cancer, it has secondaries and is not cureable, she and Richard were going to the USA to expand hsi work but are now not going. i am so sorry, we had some funny times together. I hate getting older, people die. Lisanne STOP SMOKING!!
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ROO! STOP FALLING OVER and nearly dying every year, eh? :D *hugs*
If it isn't one thing, it's another that will take all of us off one day. I been thinking about this crazy health kick the Boss and her other half are on.. and what will "cure" the now tagged as genetic neurological disease called Migraines... what would I give up that makes life enjoyable or berable in the hope it stops them? Not a lot to be honest.
Crazes I've heard are no milk prooducts - tough, I love cream and milk and like cheese..
Coffee - nope cos half the analgesics now come wrapped in caffine as it is known to help drug absorption and may even help migraines!
Fast food? On yer bike, I love burgers, occasionally....
Smoking,, ah well, when I am ready I'l give it up.. meanwhile along with coffee it glues me together and makes the greay matter, adversly affected by migraines (I kid you not, you get lowered intellect for up to 24 hours AFTER an attack and I had 2 today) jump into high gear. And I do smoke natural baccy not crappy 400 chemicals free included tailor mades, and use a filter tip too so am making an effort to be more health conscious about it.
Besides, cancer is either an infection anyone can get, or a predisposition, or, not so common, caused by carcinogenic chemical use.
Mum - died of soft tissue and bone cancer, no primary even looked for as she was so ill by the time they found out. Caused by 2 years of misery and depression that lowered her immune system and let cancer develop, and depression caused by my Dad being an arsehole and an alcoholic and more I won't say. :(
Her sister - leukemia - an infection.
Grandad, her Dad - stomach cancer - blame a lifetime in an asbestos mill and mustard gas in WW1...
Her brother, cancer of liver cuased by hairdressing chemicals he used in his own business no one knew were carcingenic back in the 60's.
So.. -shrugs- Heard an article long ago in car on World Services about research on cancer growth and its stages. Apparently if you have a low pain threshold, you lack a chemical that lets a pre-cancerous growth develop to a cancerous one at all, and boy, have I a really low pain threshold! Never been able to find out any more about that link though.
I do know that there is a blood test they can give you to tell you if you do have any cancerous cells in the body cos my GP gave me it when I turned up on his doorstep one day in hysterics over the fear of cancer.. After all I had just nursed my Mum through her terminal cancer and seen how bad it was. I was clean, obviously.
Been there, not going there again - not living in fear of what will kill me. It could be a London bus in California tomorrow, who knows? I plan to enjoy life and end up at the end of it worn out with enjoyment and yelling "Woo hoo! What a Life!" Or, I plan to live forerver, if I get my choice....
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