Shep Whump Day 10 - Rain

Jan 20, 2009 22:37

Major Sheppard screams into the radio “Kolya!” as the edge of the storm hits, rain pouring over him soaking him instantly.  Hyped up on adrenaline and brain fizzing with stealth strategies, it doesn’t affect him yet. Yelling at Kolya warms him for a few seconds, until he hears the words “Weir is dead.” Cold rage surges within him and the Atlantis hum at the back of his head goes up a notch. How dare he try and take over his city and kill an unarmed civilian.

“I- am- going- to- kill- you.” he says slowly and deliberately before heading off to deal with more of Kolya’s men. He has smoke bombs, his P90 and he knows Atlantis. Once they are out of the way he can concentrate on neutralising Kolya and rescuing McKay. He knows that they’ll have to head back to grounding station 3 to fix it so the shield works once the storm hits.

He takes out the crystals from a power Naquadah and control systems go down in one tower and then on station 3. He runs to the Gate-room and slips stealthily behind Laden as the reinforcements begin to come through. All his anger is behind the punch that takes Laden out and he activates the iris and locks the Gate stopping the rest of the attack force. He hears the thuds and knows what they are, but tucks it to the back of his mind.

He hopes no-one can hear his boots squelching slightly as he heads back to grounding station 3.  Kolya comes back on the radio. Dr Weir is alive? His heart leaps a little in relief and McKay’s hanging on in there as well by the sound of it, well apart from revealing the shield plan.

The rest of his team turn up in the nick of time at the generator room, saving him from two guards posted there - he’s glad to see them knowing the flight back from the mainland must have been hellish.


Arriving at the Gate room, seeing guards shoving a gun in McKay’s back and the Gate open he has milliseconds to react with accuracy. The guards go down and McKay scurries to safety. Kolya grabs Dr Weir like a some trophy, and makes his blood boil. Kolya is such a coward, hurting civilians isn't an option.

“I will shoot you.”

Smoothly he brings his gun up and fires a single round knowing it's on target as soon as his muscles move on the trigger. Kolya jerks back falling into the event horizon, letting Weir go.

He grabs Weir’s hand and they rush to join McKay in the control room to activate the shield in two minutes or they are all toast. They are all dripping wet, clothes chafing uncomfortably.

After this mess he’s making plans to place weapons stashes all over the city, not that he wants it to ever happen again, but you never know. Hours later and he’s still running around, checking up on people, moving Genii soldiers and stashing Sora in the brig.  Carson buzzed in his ear for the fortieth time.
"Yeah, okay I'm heading in. In a minute!"
"That’s what you said an hour ago! You said you had a sore shoulder."

Two days later he is stuck in bed with the mother of all head colds, miserable, sweaty and hacking up half a lung. McKay and Dr Weir have not so much as a sniffle. It isn’t fair. To Beckett’s confusion the temperature swings from stifling to freezing in the infirmary as Atlantis does her best to help him feel better…

601 words


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