Pretty much sums it up.

Jan 11, 2010 02:06

Just, in general... nothing going on right now.

In fact, I should update you all on stuff, considering how rare my posts are...

so, first off, the "relationship" that I was working on in my last posts is no more. Has not been for some time, I've just been slacking. In fact, in only lasted a few days after we tried to make it work again. Why? I have no idea. She just stopped answering my calls. My ego tells me, she had a better offer, or simply realized that I wasn't what she thought I was. either way, I'm not losing sleep. In the end, I gained more than I lost.

On the health front, I've kept my blood somewhere between the mid 80s, to the 120 area (depending on what I ate, and when I worked out.) My weight has been bouncing between 135 - 140 for the past month, but some of that is muscle, i think, because I've switched up to weight training. nothing too crazy, just some 5 lbs weights, with a rep set my Diabetes book recommends. Oh, and my walks have become mostly (slow) jogs now.

I picked up a new phone. A HTC Droid Eris. Due to a couple of really great deals, I actually got it for free, so that's great. It's really freaking sweet, and it's eliminated my need to use my computer as much. So, if you want to hit me up, I'm on GChat, twitter, and AOL, as RonEdens (Google is RonPEdens)

Work... sucks... I'm producing the 7 & the 11 now. not fun. not fun at all. So, I'm currently in the "looking for a new job" mode.
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