friendlinesssolemnfatalitySeptember 17 2006, 03:33:57 UTC
*nervous laughter* this is LtF-ish? :D Let's be LJ friends <3 (I've done absolutely nothing on LJ so far, other than lurk around and take pretty icons from icon journals...) <3 <3 <3 And sorry about the immense procrastination concerning all that artwork and stuff ~__~ School take a bit more precedence than I thought it could D:
Re: friendlinesssolemnfatalitySeptember 17 2006, 03:57:49 UTC
Hurray! We be "mutual" now! XD ...Yeah, my brain is a bit addled with little sleep + a lot of study. ~__~ (I should switch the procrastination ordering around and play around with drawing, but there's a weird-power-outage happening and my computer turns off every half an hour, it seems...and I would cry if I was working on something and it died because the computer killed it. And I'm responsible with schoolwork. Really.) <3
(I should switch the procrastination ordering around and play around with drawing, but there's a weird-power-outage happening and my computer turns off every half an hour, it seems...and I would cry if I was working on something and it died because the computer killed it. And I'm responsible with schoolwork. Really.)
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OH and here's a bunch more (the stuff that was drawn over the summer till now that's been accumulating-ish)
...BWAHAHAHA i spam your LJ with my links XD
See, the long wait really does make it all worth it *hugs*
Oooh, smushy. Trying to convert me over to fluff now, aren't you? Sneaky!
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