
Feb 21, 2011 16:38

  • Thank you President's Day for giving me some much-needed extra time to get homework done. XML/XSLT/XPath is killing me and as much as I like my professor, his cryptic hacker-speak is not helping.
  • The aforementioned mental slaughter has all but halted my writing. It's a good think I finished Department before the class got serious. I'm kind of working on a new long Ron/Draco, but it's basically just an outline and two scenes. I'm also having a serious issue deciding what I want the opening scene to look like for the sequel to Department, tentatively titled A Change of Form.
  • I have officially fallen in love with Pandora. I made a station based off Sondre Lerche, Duffy, Adelle, Amy Winehouse, and Ingred Michaelson that is just FANTASTIC.
  • The last two days have consisted of me not leaving my house (I didn't even know it rained all day yesterday until 10PM), watching back episodes of John and Hank Green's video blog and re-watching season 3 of Castle. There was also lots of coding.
  • Having spent the better part of the last two days working on code, I am not rather used to the program I'm using auto-completing my tagging and am displeased to have to remember to close the tags in this post. Damn you LJ for not having the capabilities of my oXygren editor.
  • The watching of the vlogbrothers and the Castle has afforded me much in the way of knitting time, and I have completed the first square of my pending Harry Potter blanket. You can see the general concept HERE. There's a picture of my Ron square living under the cut.
  • Why must all the nerdy writers I'm in love with be married? ::damns the universe for not making cute, nerdy writers be single for me to molest::
  • Speaking of writers I am in love with, I'm learning lots of lovely tidbits about the ever-fascinating Neil Gaiman while reading From Hell by Alan Moore. Apparently Neil helped with Moore's research (a match made in Graphic Novel Heaven, yes?). The best tidbit: Neil has 'a dirty mouth in at least seven centuries'. I want a potty mouth in seven centuries!
  • I just realized that I promised songquake that I would beta one of her fest entries and that I have yet to finish that beta. Damn you, grad school and life for distracting me. I'm sorry, Beth! I'm going to go finish it RIGHT NOW. I totally fail at timely betaing.

One of my favorite John Green videos:

image Click to view

I already showed you my favorite Hank Green video HERE. And it just occurred to me that I never finished that meme. Oh well, we'll call it a tie between Draco and Ron. They're both my favorites anyway.

writing: beta issues, writers i am in love with, knitting, crazy life is crazy, writer's block, people: vlogbrothers, coding is hard, i am a fucking idiot, procrastinator of the year, rant, random, grad school

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