Title: The Substitute
ChaosFandom/Genre: Romance
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jessica, brief Dean/Anna
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 36,000
Warnings: sexually explicit content, mild violence (Dean punches a dude. It's totally justified.)
Summary: Dean smells his mate one morning while getting his mail. He keeps smelling him in several different places, but never sees him. After months of smelling the mate scent without seeing his mate, Dean becomes cranky and begins to think he might go crazy.
Then one day, the scent walks into his shop with a car repair, and Castiel is nothing like what Dean thought he would be. They hit it off easily despite Castiel’s traditional upbringing, but there is one barrier to their domestic bliss: Castiel is betrothed to another.
Notes:All art was beautifully drawn by
Chaos. Make sure to visit her tumblr and send her lots of love!
This version of the alpha/beta/omega dynamic says that they are a different species from humans, evolved along the same line, but from wolves rather than apes. Their scientific name is Canis sapiens; their English name is lupans.
On a second note, if you feel there is more to Dean and Cas' life than is set out here, your friendly neighborhood author agrees with you! I will be writing a series of vignettes to be posted after the fest is over.
Third note: Thank you to my beta,
naruumiya, for being so helpful with this fic!
part i |
part ii |
part iii |
part iv |
part v ao3