Hey y'all! I'm
somehowunbroken, your other new co-mod for this lovely lovely comm.
stormylullabye abd I have a few things planned for us here, and I wanted to do a poll to see what the interest level might be.
I know that we were started as a ficathon - hey, look, it's in our name! - but we've been considering expanding it to become a thing-a-thon instead. What would the differences be? Well, it opens us up for the possibility of more than just stories. Entrants would be able to make fic or art or vids or possibly other things, so we would be able to have those who don't feel comfortable with writing participate, too! More Ronon - who could be upset over that? Not I! :)
So please vote in the poll below! It's not binding, not in the least. It's just a way for us to gauge if there's even interest in organising a thing like this. The poll will be open for a week or so, and then I'll let y'all know what the decision will be.
Poll Thing-A-Thon! You don't have to be a member of the community to vote, and you don't have to be a member to participate! You don't even have to have a LiveJournal account - we'll go over that later, but we have ways of working around that :) Spread the word, you Ronon-loving people! Let's see if we can get this thing-a-thon about our Satedan buddy going!