Ack! I'm late! Sorry about that!
Title: Beyond All Hope
rubygirl29Medium: Fic
Word count: ~3800
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Ronon/John, pre-Ronon/Lorne, John/Atlantis
Warnings: Main character death, grief, AU mid-season 5
Summary: Even with the city of Atlantis falling down around them, John finds that he can't leave her behind. That he can leave Ronon behind is something that Ronon is having a hard time coming to terms with.
Additional Notes: Thank you so much for the prompts (h/c either or both parties, Lorne and Ronon on a mission to rescue John),
rubygirl29! I had trouble wrapping my head around them at first but then something started forming and going in one direction and WHAM! It took a detour. I hope you like it! As always, I could not have done this without Aster, who knows my writing schedule better than I do some days.
...he never should have let him go alone...