Sep 16, 2015 17:47
This morning, I was called into a meeting with my bosses boss. As soon as he asked for the meeting, I was pretty sure what the meeting was about, and I was right. I have been given a sixty day notice that my job is being eliminated. I am getting generous severance package, and Qualcomm is providing outplacement services which I plan on taking full advantage of.
I sent some more job applications out, before seeing advise from the outplacement agency not to start sending applications right away. However, I’ll wait until I talk to them on Monday before doing anything more. But, I intend to be as aggressive as I can in looking until I find something.
My hope is that I’ll be able to find something during the next sixty days that I can start in mid-December or early January. Obviously, I’d prefer something in San Diego, or possibly parts of Orange County where I can fairly easily commute from Rancho Bernardo. A job that could be 100% telecommuting would be the same as any job in San Diego. If I have to relocate, we’d probably prefer Albuquerque since there is family there, and we have contacts who have contacts who might know how to deal with The Kid - who would probably have to relocate with us, but not live with us. The Chicago area (at least as long as we could move back to the Bartlett/Hanover Park area) would be in play, as would Silicon Valley (provided the job was good enough to deal with the cost of living). I’d consider Seattle, but Tara is less sure since we’d be further from family.
I’ve started reducing expenses - suspended piano lessons, reduced the number of DVDs Netflix will deliver, dropped premium channels, canceling newspaper, etc.
There are a few other things I need to do soon. I need a new suit since my really nice suit fit about 100 pounds ago. I’m sure that there are a couple of others, but I cannot think of any.
I’d appreciate prayers/good thoughts. I’ll accept any job leads that you want to provide (thank you already to Glenn and Susan - I’ve followed up on your leads already).