Jan 02, 2005 20:12
my quote for today: "eat me, i'm done!"
i have my internet on my laptop in my room now and i'm so happy. this is the coolest thing ever. i'm not gonna sleep much this semester i can already tell. well, to go along with what everyone else said, it didn't really feel like christmas to me either. by christmas eve it did. but i don't remember having a hard time sleeping. when i went to kindergarten the teacher asked who had a hard time sleeping the night before christmas. i raised my hand and so did this parent next to me. lol. this isn't too exciting. i got 2 kittens for christmas. i love watching friends on my new laptop. my kittens names are chloe and casey. hey, if any of ya'll watch FRIENDS do u know what the song is that they sing @ the beginning in the coffehouse on THE ONE WITH A DOZEN LASAGNAS? i don't know & it's kinda bugging me. also, something funny happened today. alison & i went to play tennis and it had rained so the court was wet and the ball wouldn't bounce. we had both worked out before that and didn't have the energy or the desire to actually play, so after 15 min. she had hit the ball to me, i missed it, started to go get it and she goes, "u wanna go back to your house and watch FRIENDS?" it was a friends moment, not because she mentioned it but because my response of "YES!" was so quick. you had 2 be there. i'll bet u didn't find that funnny @ all. g2g bye.
"don't settle for the one you can live with, wait for the one that you can't live without."