(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 09:19

Tuesday* Had gymnastics and cheerleading weuz cancelled

Wednesday* We had cheerleading .... and i told my mom bout the cell

Thursday* had cheerleading agian and then i went home and read 50 pgs for 2hrs

Friday* Didnt do anything

Saturday* at t-ridge all day and then came home and twent to the neighbors

SUnday* at t-ridge all day agen we shadowed once ... 3more to go then i went christmas shopping/

MOnday* Okay it wuz 2hr delay sso i had to wake up asnd at 8:15 k104 sed a 2hr delay then my dad drove me down to the bus stop and then we heard no skool and iw uz like YESSS!!!! lol and now here i am ... i wuz gonna go snowboarding with michelle but then hwer mom wont let her go its too cold so now i have to wait ti;ll my mom gets home and uill be able to go round 1:30
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