I hate doctors. Honestly, sometimes they can be so freaking ignorant. I told the lady that my ears hurt really badly and the next second she's pulling on them and sticking that damn ear thing inside so hard that I actually squealed. Then she says she can't determine what's wrong with them because I kept moving. HELLO?!?! It's obvious to any idiot that the insides of my ears are swelled up and that there's a whole bunch of buildup in there. She's all like, "This is an external problem." Um, no it's NOT! Then she decided to give me ear drops even though I told her the ear drops I've been using haven't been working at all.
She mainly decided to focus on Christie instead, who also came to the doctor's because she has a bad cough and her nose is all clogged. The stupid doctor said "Well, she may have asthma because she is having difficulty breathing." Um, HELLO?!?! Of COURSE she would have trouble breathing if her nose is stuffed up like that. What a dumbass.
So now I have to put up with all the pain for who knows how long. The only thing keeping me sane right now is a whole lot of painkillers. And the fact that the new Entertainment Weekly has Hayden Christensen on the cover. And I swear, if these stupid ears don't get better soon, and I have to miss seeing Revenge of the Sith on the 20th, I'm going to be so incredibly pissed off I'll be seeing spots.
Oh. As for prom pictures.
kickasselfgirl has some up in her LJ if you want to check them out now. I'm going to repost them later, but I'm too tired and sick to do it now. *sigh*