Mild Heroes Rant: Peter and Claire

Nov 06, 2007 20:09

This season of Heroes hasn't been the best, I admit. Besides a couple of boring plotlines, there's been some really bad writing of a character that I love.

Now, normally I hate it when people cry, "OMG that character is out of character!" because in my mind, authors or writers of a show can't really write a character that they've created to be out of character. I've mainly seen this with the Harry Potter fandom (OMG HBP CHANGED HERMIONE!) and Lost (OMG KATE SLEPT WITH SAWYER THAT WHORE). But neither of those two were written to be something that they're not. Those complaining about Hermione viewed her as a brain with the hots for Harry, when she was really a regular, hormonal girl with the hots for Ron. Those complaining about Kate saw her as someone pure who would never taint the love she had for Jack. Um, okay.

This season on Heroes, people seem to be complaining about Claire. I honestly don't see why and I think people need to cut her some slack. She's being a normal, rebellious teenager by lying to her daddy. She's being this way because her dad is CONSTANTLY nagging her about staying safe, not letting her cheer or date boys (he'd probably flip out if she got a new Zach-like best friend, too) and it's driving her nuts. Claire's a teenager - the natural reaction is to rebel. What people seem to forget when they're talking about how Claire is going behind her dad's back and totally not honoring the promise to lay low, is that HRG promised Claire that he wouldn't do anything fishy, either. So he lied, too. Claire's not stupid - she knows this. She figures if he's not abiding by it, she shouldn't either. And she's not seeing anything wrong with West (yet). Give her a break.

That being said, the character that's been driving me bonkers is Peter. Not because he didn't open the box right away, but because of his, "Let them [my family] look [for me]" comment, his corny, "Tell me what the future holds" line, and basically all of his lines. I want to find whoever's writing Peter and just whack them up the head. Milo's acting has been a little one-note, too (oh God, I'm gonna get murdered in my sleep, aren't I?) but I don't blame him with the crap he's been given this season. I'm looking forward to his reunion with his family and his (perhaps?) turn to the dark side this season, though, so maybe the writing for his character will get better.

tv, college: sophomore, heroes

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