ZOMG Heroes came on! YAYNESS. :D
Basically my detailed reactions.
Ooh, look. It's the Claire that's not Claire. That girl, what's her name, Candace? She's wearing a verrreh short skirt.
Linderman has flower growing powers! AWWWW. Maybe he'll make all the plants grow again when New York blows up?
"Bang on the pipe." *bangs* "Good man. I mean, dog."
Linderman's all, "Let's blow people up Nate! It's only a few of 'em!" Nate's all, "YOU WEIRDO."
Well, DUH. Of course Peter would heal. Dude, I screamed along with him when Sylar decided he wanted to give Peter the worst headache ever.
"That's Nathan. He has kids. But look at my HANDSOME son, Peter. Isn't he CUTE? You met him right? Oh, too bad he's your UNCLE."
Oatmeal cookies and school plays. Awww, the good ol' days.
"I want to keep you out of my family. Wanna go to Paris and buy nice clothes instead?"
"You promise you won't post any spoilers?" Oh, that is SO NBC talking there.
You know, Isaac is cute and cool. I don't want him to die. :/
Oooh, what did Nikki's father do to her? I wanna knoooooow.
Oh, I don't like looking at dead Peter. *cries* Oh, this is just too sad. Mohinder has a puppy dog look on his face, Mama Petrelli's crying, and Claire looks as though her heart as just broken in half. "Peter." That was enough to make me actually start crying.
Writers, you better bring Peter back from the dead. Or else you will have one mad fan.
"Come to the dark side. We have chocolate milk, all the cookies you can eat, and fresh sandwiches!"
I'm kind of liking the burn-it-all-up guy in this episode. Although he's even more emo than Peter.
Oh, great. Now Nathan's crying.
Oh. Father looks at daughter for the first time.
HA. "I'm not here for you daddy, I'm hear for your BROTHA." Do we notice that I'm using humor here to cover the vast amount of eye watering that this scene is putting me through?
OMG OMG OMG. Why didn't anyone THINK to pull the giant ass piece of GLASS sticking out of the back of his head? GO CLAIRE.
Oh, my heart. Hair stroking. Claire's, "I didn't even get to know you." Her one lone tear. Peter waking up and not even looking at his brother or mother, but Claire. "You saved my life." "Guess we're even now." Him TOUCHING HER NOSE. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that Peter was not playing poke-a-nose. He was apparently wiping the tear from her cheek. I don't know which one is sweeter.
Hahahaha. Put it underneath his pillow. Because doing that won't make it go through his head again.
Oooh, Peter's slicked back hair. Yum. Loved his diatribe about Claire. And the whole, "Um...mom, we need to talk." and her, "You silly boys, I'm smarter than you. I've always known."
Hahaha, Matt giggling.
"How would you like to save the world today?" What a line.
NO NO NO. I don't want Sylar to kill Isaac!
Isaac to Sylar - "They stop you and you die." Well, now I don't need to watch the rest of the show, do I, now that the ending has been RUINED. *cries*
AH. OMG. The paintbrushes. Oh, noes. It's like he's being crucified to the floor! Heroes, why must you be so gruesome? This is AWFUL.
Geez, now Nathan's looking at the piece of glass. Staring at your reflection, Nate?
Oh, father-daughter scene.
Oh, Hiro and Ando! Yeah, Isaac better be alive. And Ando, I feel you. I'm confused, too.
Oh, ending. Hiro meeting Hiro. How lovely.
Does anyone have the promo for next week's episode? My recorder cut most of it out! *pouts*