Mar 27, 2003 21:56
What is a woman like?Well most of them. It's a question not easy to answer. Some say they're like chocolate, sweet but can rot your teeth. Others say they resemble a full time job, stressing but pays well. Yeah right. The most popular analogy of a woman is that they are like a rose, with petals so beautiful it swells the tears in your eyes, but thorns so sharp it can cut the hardest callouses in your hands, those hard-working hands of yours. After all, you gave it your best to pick that rose. But in all honesty, a woman isn't like that at all, because you can SEE the thorns and you can clip them off, but if you clipped them off, then she's not a woman. A woman, you will bleed for without knowing her thorns were there.
Instead, try this out for size. Compare a woman to a rolled up pair of mismatched socks. Think about it for a moment before you decide that I'm a lunatic with a big ego. On the outside is the clean good-looking sock, which is just like a woman, smells fresh, clean, soft. You want it. You'd like to wear that sock, and you want everyone to know that sock is yours, precisely like a woman. That outer sock is perfect for you, and your foot would fit perfect in it.
But here's the catcher. Once you unravel that roll of socks, there is a completely different sock on the inside, a sock you had no idea was there. You thought the outer sock was how both of them were going to look, but you found that ugly mismatched sock instead. You want good socks, both inside and out. And the inner sock is dirty, and smells. You suddenly wish you didn't take the time to unravel that roll of socks.
what sort of gilded twist of fate is this?
But get this! You wear the socks anyway. You figure one good sock is good enough. After all, you can just wash the dirty one, but you realize that it's not that simple. It won't come clean, and it gives your foot a fungus, making it stink and disgusting looking. You don't know what to do! You don't know what to say! The fungus goes all the way up your leg until your entire body is plagued and diseased! You grow to become a different person! You are mutilated and horrifying until you are nothing more than a piece of perspirated smelling glandular puddle of mucus wearing a mismatched pair of socks! You become frightened, angry, lonely, even with the socks on! Finally, you realize what caused your pain! The socks! You take the darn things off, but it's too late! She already has you in her grasp! You're still nothingness to her holding a darn mismatched pair of socks!. It will now take weeks to get over this plauge. Sometimes months. But thats a risk we take for the chance of a perfect pair of socks.
The moral of this story, theme, plot, and setting is the next time you are in a flea market browsing socks, you take a pair out, and unroll them to find a mismatched pair...
THROW the freaking things back.
thank you and goodnight.