What is the World coming 2?

Nov 12, 2004 20:34

Alright, so the world did not come to an end. By now everyone should know the Redsox won the World Series, and beat my Yanks 4 straight becoming the first team in the history of baseball to come back from an 0-3 hole to win the series. Anyways i am not going to go pitch by pitch like i did in my last entry like eight years ago. So I go to Game 3 which I enjoyed to a point because in the back of my mind I still needed to win one more game. It was freezing, and that mixed with drunk depressed Redsox fans made it interesting. Next day was rained out and then I went to Game 4 and froze again for like whatever it was i think it was 13 innings. Saw Ortiz hit the Walk off which was pretty cool, i kinda like looking around the park and seeing everyone go crazy. Game 5 I was like "Hell no selling those things, I ain't freezing my ass off three games in a row. So we made some nice cash, I forget the exact number but it was alot. Thank God cuz it went like 15 and Ortiz it a cue shot and they won. So it would be terrible for me to freeze for a total of like 10 hours only to see my team lose two extra inning games. It is a baseball fact though that the home team has the advantage in extra inning games because the away team has to record six outs for a win (3 in the bottom half, score in the top half , and hold them in the bottom half again) compared to hold them in the top and score and win in the bottom by the home team.
Then Game 6 it was Curt Shilling and his sock. Mark Bullhorn hits a home run and the ump call it a double and they change it to a HR which was the right call but when does the umps every change a call in the postseason? Anyways it was not over AROD's thing at first they call him out on a reverse call. OK I will tell the world my view on AROD's mess thing: I dont think it was as bad as everyone is putting it. If it was me i would do the same thing. You are taught get on first base anyway you can, thats what AROD tried to do. Also every coach says " Two hands when you are tagging someone because they can knock the ball out." Alright so thats that. Game Seven was all Redsox which was weird but there was nothing I could do. I guess Damon read this journal thing cuz I said if he cut his hair he would hit better, he cut his hair and he drives in like 100 runs in Game 7. Good job you SOW Face.
I do have to say that the Yanks security awesome to let the Redsox fans stay in Yankee Stadium and celebrate. SO on to the World Series. I went to Game 1, so my first world series game was in Fenway Park. GAme two I sold for 750 a piece 10 times the face which wasnot bad. No one ever thought they would sweep. They shut down Rollin which I called, cuz Francona knows him so good. So game 4 the words of Joe Buck courtesy of Vickers "BAck to Foulke, Redsox fans have longed to hear it, the Redsox are the World Champions." My first words were " Are you serious" and then I cracked a smile and it was done. Foulke should have gotton MVP. Manny was good but Foulke was nasty. The next day in school, I went up to everyone shook everyone's hand and said congrats on winning the world series and enjoy your championship.
One last time Congrats to the Redsox for winning the World Series, but are Redsox fans do now?
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