Do a Google image search for the following things and post the first image that comes up.
1. The age you'll be on you next birthday - Haha well I got the same as
poulpette I just went with a different
version of it :P
2. Your favourite color - *giggle fit* Same as her again! So I chose this
one, instead. It's pretty! :D
3. Your middle name - Oy um well I got a bunch of strippers *laughs uncontrollably* and I don't feel like giving a link to that LOL. So yay look at the pretty
falls :D
4. Your last meal. - Awwww so
cute! I bet her parents love it when she does that ;)
5. A bad habit of yours - Seriously Poulpette, are u like my evil twin or something?!
*giggle* *snort*6. Favourite fruit or vegetable. Mmm
7. Favourite animal: Oh
wow look at that. And this one, for
cuteness :D
8. Town where you were born: I use this damn
thing every day, I don't even wanna look at it anymore :P
9. Name of a current or past pet - My previous cats name is the same as Poulpette's only different spelling *grins* Kenzo however is about as far from a innocent
flower as u can come :P
10. Best friend's name - Well I'm sure all guys love
this pic! haha
11. Your first name - I cheated a little. I didn't just want a pic of a random person.
This one is much nicer.
12. Your surname - ROFL okay not exactly what I had
in mind when I typed my name *snort*