Oct 30, 2004 20:02
tell me life, what did i do to desirve all that has hapned? i thought we started this year off strong. i guess i was wrong about my luck returning. but thats just what life has delt me this hand.
(not directed at any one, just my luck this past month or two)
i cant get this song out of my head,
Now I see the times they change.
Leaving doesn't seem so strange.
I am hoping I can find, where to leave my head behind.
All the shit I seem to take, all alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can, life has made me not a man....
it keeps playing, over, and over, and over again.
some times i wonder if life has something against me?
some times i wonder if life hates me.
some times i wonder if life doesn't want me any more.
some times i wonder if life would be better off with out me...
it's funny, i'd kill to have friends right now, but i would give up all for love.
and love, i am sorry, i want to be happy, to keep you from being sad, but.
all i cling to is hope.
for in my heart there is still hope,