I susppose I should say something.
Oh, my, where to start.
I hate work again! Also they are mad at me at work, for various reasons. Yay! Today was my day off and they called me in. SO, bah. I can't afford to quit. Suck.
I got WoW. I have a level 9 Tauren Warrior named Keychains.
I bought a Dragon Today.
Steven now lives at my House again, until Winter is over. Keith is in between, and is Ryan. This has brought Ryan and I closer together, and we were never close. Until now. Steven is on "Ployphasic Sleeping", which means he's up for 4 hours, then takes a nap. Suspposedly it trains your body to enter the REM cycle faster, so that a 5 minute nap is as refreshing as a whole night's sleep. So far, it's Steven very tired.
Sean re-introduced me to Perry Bible Fellowship. Man it owns.
http://cheston.com/pbf/archive.html A got a Giant Amp for Christmas. I should post pictures of it, and me. Mostly me.
I, too, want somebody to love for Christmas, Sean.
And...That's it.