- bailey was just a HUGE sweetheart this morning (instead of her normal, mildly annoying self =P but i love her anyway)
- i got back in touch with one of my old friends from high school - poor guy's out in iraq - now i'm just praying that he comes home safely
- worked a short shift today - that's pretty much always fun - ESCPECIALLY when i get to use geometry to help out the customers
- found out that the corey vidal star wars a capella tribute video is back up on youtube - now with lyrics! =D
- talked with my parents for over an hour without any arguments
so i think the person i originally was doing this challenge with may have given up on me when i posted my five the next morning a couple of times - i suppose that's fair, though - i did tell him that if he did it i would - so i suppose that would mean that if i DIDN'T post, he didn't have to - thereby calling off the challenge
anway - haven't seen anyone on my friends list rise to this challenge - though i suppose keeping this up even after my month is out would be beneficial since ORIGINALLY i was trying to do this the entire year - and while it's always easier to do this kind of thing with friends, it's certainly not necessary - besides, doing this on my own shows strength, right?
and GOOD GOD do i need to get some creativity out - i really feel like i'm neglecting my stories - i would kill for my computer mic to work (it's not the mic, it's the comp, but i can't figure it out past that) - i just need to pick up the background fabric and the grey for mike's quilt and then i can really dig into that (once i figure out WHERE i will be working on it) - i need to get a copy of photoshop so i can finally make use of the tablet (probably will do a bunch of computer illustrated landscapes as i get the feel for how photoshop and my tablet work together) - i keep hearing the bass lines to songs i love and wanting to play those - i just really have too much creativity for my own good right now - it'd be REALLY nice to get some of that out already
on a random note, yesterday at work i had the shakes really badly and was lightheaded for nearly the entirety of my shift - it was oddly amusing as neither of those are symptoms i'm used to having - i ASSUME it was because i hadn't eaten before i worked and then worked five hours without a break, as that's the most likely answer - still i wonder if it's strange to kind of wish to have the lightheadedness back