(no subject)

May 23, 2011 01:07

my friend ucdshoelace  has made a commitment to post every day for the next thirty days - you should join in! - post "anything, no matter how insignificant, long, or short-- for 30 days" - i intended to start tomorrow, but that's just procrastination, so here's today - please pardon that it's a little inane and devoid of any important anything

today is a day that i shrug and go "well, i can only do better tomorrow" - today had it's ups and downs - i got to sleep in, which is good - happened because mom took my son to church - turns out he was great at church, which is also good - but then the rest of the day fell to pieces until i had to work - i was excited to work because now i'm being trained again for the entry-level management position i was in when i last left blockbuster - crazy news: blockbuster is still afloat - anyway - happy to be training but i felt so blah about my day that to get ANYTHING done felt good - everything that i had tried to get done today before i went to work failed with the singular exception of picking up my prescription - i can't even fathom how the day managed to succeed at foiling all of my plans, but i guess if you want to make god laugh. . . .

anyway, bewarethejabb , i hope you can forgive me for needing one more day to get your butchered chapters to you, even though i've taken so long already - i feel just awful about it all =( but i simply cannot brain anymore tonight
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