(no subject)

Aug 25, 2009 16:14

I hate this job, I hate supervising people, no matter what you do, someone bitches, and I'm really hating the excuse: "we're too busy"....to me that either means you got too much work (overloaded) or you not doing your job right, either way, we can make adjustments, but NO, they rather bitch to my boss how overworked they are.  They ain't seen real work.  We are asking very little out of some people and they still complain....one minute I'm bing accused of having no heart, when I run by the "book", and in the next breath, I'm being told I'm not being a "good" manager because I'm too lienent on them!  GAWD HOW I HATE SUPERVISING PEOPLE, I'd have more luck teaching my cat to play the Ukulele (and I'm talking about the smarter of the three).  The job description should have read: "Baby sitter wanted"...
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