(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 14:21

...How foolish.

Master, it was a pleasure to meet you face to face.  It was quite an interesting encounter.  I'm looking forward to seeing your end by the tip of my blade even more now.  And here I'd thought such a thing was impossible!  You're an impressive creature, to increase my disdain for you even moreso.

Zoisite, Jadeite - I wonder how you've been busying yourselves, here.  Obviously your attention to the master is lack if Mercury and I can so easily find him alone and without his precious lapdogs.  Are you slipping?  Or are your eyes finally opening to the truth?  [scoff]

I have yet to run into any of the Princesses, which, in and of itself is perhaps a blessing.  From Mercury's accounts, it seems I wouldn't want to.  They've only become even more insufferable.  Or perhaps their true selves have simply come into the light?  I wonder if this place has such an effect on the 'drafted.'  Curious, hm?

[screened to Mercury // hackable if you really try; Kunzite has nothing to hide!, oh no siree.]

You should stay away from that Princess unless it's necessary.

Hm.  And it seems that the other girl is gone.  How unfortunate!

[//end screened]

au: jadeite, au: endymion, ou: mizuno ami, au: mizuno ami, princesses, ou: zoisite

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