Jun 19, 2015 23:03
Seriously, this was a real shitbag of a day. I hadn't even gotten off my street when it started. I'm stuck behind an SUV, the driver of which seems to think the left turn arrow is a mere suggestion and he doesn't actually have to use it. The D-bags on the opposite side take advantage of this and turn right on red and I barely make it through the light. The first domino. The rest, predictably, tumble to the dirt. Because, had the idiot in the SUV gone when the arrow turned green, what followed could have been avoided. I would have been AHEAD of the windbag in the line at the post office. Save your chatter with the clerk for when there isn't a LINE behind you. I could have then avoided being boxed into the lane I wanted to get out of so I could make a right to get to Home Depot. I would have been finished with my shopping, instead of encountering the woman who poached my utility cart as soon as I took a few steps away to pick up a plant. Oh, certainly I just trudged out to the parking lot to get the cart JUST so you could put all the stuff you already had in your OWN shopping cart on it and wheel it to to the check-out. I only wanted to wheel around an empty cart. I was planning on carrying the concrete pavers I came there to buy IN MY HANDS. Because I'm FUCKING HERCULES thankyouverymuch. At least I got to the grocery store in one piece. Not that it was much of a consolation at that point. I left out describing all the complete NUTBAGS that were on the road. The idiot at Home Depot who thought it was funny to walk as sloooooooooowly as possible in front of my car. Pretty sure I saw him trying to get to his grave faster with that hotdog he was eating at the cafe. Maybe the next person he pulls that "walk slooooooooowly in front of them" stunt on will be driving one of those lifted pick-ups and won't see him. Get home, unload, and discover one of the pavers cracked. Probably from the fucking speed humps they put everywhere. Cooked dinner (chicken risotto from scratch, nyah). Cleaned up cat barf.