So. . .

May 13, 2015 15:50

I realize I talk about cons as if they are an actual entity. They are very much like a Borg collective, nothing happens or changes without the knowledge and consent of the "Borg Queen." So the fan art change at Senshi Con could have only gone forward with the approval of the "higher ups." Despite the change in management of the artists' alley I doubt there will be a change in policy. Change, once made, is seldom reversed. Take Anime Expo for example. For YEARS they have said they would improve wait times for registration. It has NEVER happened. And despite spending money on a "new" system, it never will. The same can be said of the AX forums, once they decided to take them down with NO WARNING WHATSOEVER they will stay gone, no matter how many people protest. Because to change things back would be admitting they were wrong in the first place. And THAT is something else they will NEVER do.
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