
Jan 19, 2015 22:21

I stopped by the comic shop the other day. I had an ulterior motive. . . but that always depends on who is working that day. ^_~ I did want to see if they had Arslan #2 in stock (they didn't, dammit). Ulterior motive: an account of how Senshi Con went. I was in luck there. Got confirmation of a couple of things I suspected: The artists' alley was on the empty side (no surprise there, given the abrupt change virtually eliminating fan art). There were bootlegs in the vendor section (again ~_~). If they want to get on their "high horse," and have it be believable, they need to get after the bootleg merchandise. Most of the Japanese companies have NO PROBLEM with fan art. Square Enix sponsored a fan art contest for the release of Dissidia Duodecim (I entered it in fact). Anime Expo also has a fan art contest (I entered that one too). So "infringing" fan art sales, particularly in such a small venue, is total bullshit. If that's the lie they want to tell then they need to pick an example that I don't have experience with (like saying Anime Expo limits fan art in any way, other than number of copies) or couldn't research (I could easily find out the rules for the AX artists' alley). Frankly I think it was the people complaining about fan art being the best sellers and thinking if they eliminated it that they'd make more money.


On a more positive note, I'm very close to being finished with the graphorn painting. I'm kind of liking how it's turning out. . . particularly since I didn't do much sketching at all. I'd intended the beast to have a hide more like a rhinoceros. . . but after thinking about the environment (mountains) I figured such a creature should be a bit furry.
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