Jan 03, 2010 09:40
New Year's was fun, I happily said goodbye to extended family that stayed with my grandmother and I for a week and a half. One cousin has gotten increasingly tough to take with age, while the other, whom I've never been close too, but we had a good time. He gets extra points for realizing I did have a Christmas movie, and it was Die Hard.
After that I went to work for a half day then left to help decorate for a Mardi Gras Murder Mystery themed NYE party. I got to wear a tux and a masquerade mask, so I was pretty happy. The party was with some old friends and some new ones. It was a touch sad as I was 9th wheeling it with a bunch of couples, most of the people I spent NYE with last year, with one notable exception. I also had a really peculiar dream about having a shape-shifting toddler with said notable exception, but I suspect that was mostly the host's 20 something lb. cat climbing into bed with me.
New Year's Day was spent with friends in pajamas hanging out watching the Rose Bowl and The Bruins game while being stuffed with an excellent brunch and supper. I got a bit antsy so I volunteered to escape but taking one of the sweetest dog in the world for a walk. Then I took off to come home, take a bath, putter about on the laptop while watch House, to soothe my Sherlock Holmes jones and read a good book.
Saturday was more reading, it's a really good book, Lois McMaster Bujold's Young Miles. We have one cat who's not doing so hot. Vanyel, the last of my childhood pets, is 15 and had to have all but his front teeth pulled a couple of weeks ago. He's having a tough time eating, he hasn't gotten the hang of not being able to chew, so I made him a grotesque slurry of low sodium tuna, olive oil and chicken stock. It looks like melted silly putty, but it's a big hit with the cats. I wasn't all that productive, I'm still working on putting my areas back together post company, interspersed with reading then spent about 40 minutes shoveling out the driveway, walk, and side of the house back around to the shed in preparation to brave the snow for a game night with more new friends. Where I lost at everything, I wouldn't mind except for in Scene it on the XBox. I knew more of the right answers but was too slow in hitting the buttons. It's good for building the brand, but a bit frustrating that the game's vague directions and unusual controllers tends to skew it towards those more frequent players. I don't mind losing, I just don't like it when it feels like I didn't have even a shot at winning. It's like the difference between losing because I'm less experienced at a game, vs. losing because the more experienced player conveniently forgot to explain a portion of the rules that undermines the strategy I've been building. Not a big deal, but it makes it less fun. It all worked out though, I was glad I saved my good luck for my thrilling, and ultimately successful drive home in the snow.
Today I will try to be for real productive. I need to finish re-converting the guest room to an art room, reconnect my desktop and it's devices, run some back ups, work on recutting my demo reel, and continue learning Blender in the hopes of improving said reel. I'm moving forward, it's just frustratingly slow.