"Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?" or "Hooray for palindromes!!"

Oct 26, 2009 11:08


I've already posted once today. And it was MAGNIFICENT! But I have time to kill and I don't have what I need to do my work with me. I hate it when that happens. I have shit that needs doing and I'm twiddling my damn thumbs talking to you retards.

WAIT! Wait!!! I didn't mean it!! Don't be angry!!!

...Can I come in?

Oh. So. SLEEPY! I wanna sleep! I wanna go home and crawl into my nice, lovely and gorgeous bed and just pass the fuck out. But that's what they want me to do... And I can't let them win... Nooooo, precious. That's what they want us to do. But won't let them win. They want me to sleep so they can steal my nose ponies. But they will never lay their hands on them. NEEVAAH! And they all think I'm crazy now. But I know better. It is not I who is crazy. It is I who am MAD! Didn't you hear em? Didn't you see the crowd? Oh, my beloved ice cream bar...

Ren and Stimpy? Anyone? ...no? Fine then.

Yeah, so, anycrap... I'm tired. I have a teacup. I also have donuts in my purse. I also do not have riger mortis. ZOOOMBIIIIES! There's this awesome webcomic that Mae found by a girl on Deviant Art called Cest la Mort. It's genius. It's a shame she doesn't work on it much, but what is there is freakin hilarious. Unfortunately, I am not the one with riger mortis and the teacup for that, my friends, is Larry. I do have the donuts, though.

I almost laughed violently in the middle of my Music class. I mean loud, raucous outburst scream-laugh kind of laugh. I literally had to bite my tongue to stop and I have the hole in my tongue to prove it. Owie.

. . . .

I can't remember what was so funny, though...

Do you smell something burning?

I feel kind of bad because I just pawned off the research portion of a Literature project off on my partner. I'm sorry, Grace!! But, I'm a little over-overstressed right now and I do NOT have time to write another damn research paper. Poor little thing... I'm a whore. There I said it! Are you happy now?! ::weeps uncontrollably for the better part of hour::

There, I'm back now.

♪♫ I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own. ♫♪

I've had that song stuck in my head for a while. I think that may be why I'm in such a good mood.

My PhySci will happen soon and I must witness it or I will fail the GPA.

But I'm sleepy!! And it's boring. Oh. So. Boring! Can't sleep. Nose ponies.

Only a few minutes and I've no idea how to end this post. Wait! I can end this post in 45 seconds!


[ fry and laurie, WHAAAAAT? ]
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