Oct 16, 2009 10:53
Can I get a big "FUCK YEAH!!!" for Henry Rollins?
I. Am. So. Fucking. EXHAUSTED. Not the funny, loopy kind of tired either. I'm more the been-tortured-for-days-on-end-by-a-freaky-Czech-guy-on-a-space-station kind of tired. And I don't have a dashing captain to save so I don't even have the adrenaline to run on. I'm a terrible pilot.
I'm absolutely buried in homework right now. I haven't seen the sun in days.... That's not a joke. It's been really cloudy here. No complaints though. It's finally getting cold! I can give a final fond FUCK YOU farewell to summer and give fall and winter a lovely icy hug.
Still no word on Sir Didymus. I'm beginning to wonder if he's gotten lost. Poor little thing.
Saw Repo! the Genetic Opera. I'm obscenely interested in this little gem/turd. It's bizarre. At some points it's some of the best stuff I've seen in a while (namely the bits with Anthony Head) and at other moments it so horrible I can hardly bear watching it. Mostly, those are the parts with Paris Hilton (aka Plague Upon the Mind of Mankind) and those two other little crap beetles that play her siblings. There's this one scene between all three of them where they're arguing and all I could do is laugh. Otherwise I would have shat, screamed and gone insane by the sheer fact that the scene made it past post production. What were they thinking? Having a little plot hole is better than filling hole full of shit. And then there's Sarah Brightman. She annoys the ever-living-shit out of me. Always has. It's not that she can't sing. It is undeniable that she has a beautiful voice. But she's an idiot who ruins her gift by making simple stupid mistakes while she's singing. Sliding. Is. Never. Okay. Stop it. Also, her acting isn't great. A little overdone most of the time. As for the main character: Her acting and singing yo-yo from bad to good most of the time. She's very adorable and looks great in the costumes. Overall, she's a meh factor. I didn't pay much attention to her because she couldn't demand it. I'm afraid she was a mistake as a lead role. Only two people made this film both bearable and at some points beautiful. And those are Mr. Anthony Stewart Head (who has always had an phenomenal voice and I'm a fan of his from the Buffy days) and a little gem by the name of Terrance Zdunich (played Graverobber, co-wrote the music and screenplay and, as I understand it, illustrated the comic book flashback bits). This is one talented murf. The story isn't the most original thing I've ever seen, but it's definitely done well and is very interesting. The costumes are beautiful (I'm quite fond of the goth look) and the overall aesthetic of the film has a ethereal yet gritty Gothic underworld feel to it. My reaction to this movie ends up as a tale of two extremes. At it's worst moments it is unbearably abominable (mostly due to the acting) and at it's best it's beyond wonderful. At least they didn't do anything half-assed.
Wow... didn't mean to go all movie reviewer on you. I've just been thinking about it a lot because I can't really place why I love it so much. I predict it to be a cult classic one day. If not for everyone else, than at least for me.
I wrote about that damn movie waaaaaaaaaay more than I meant to. That was supposed to be a little blip and then I went into rant overdrive. My apologies, but hooray for focusing on the unimportant things in my life!!
And now, PhiSci class. Yippee.