(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 15:00

Yeah, I was finished with HBP by 4:30pm the next day, and that included a 5 hour nap and getting ready to go to a picnic. I know many cried during certain parts of the book, and there were some definent cry-worthy moments, but I did not cry. A somewhat strangled screech did eminate from my throat when Dumbledore said he wasn't worried because he was with Harry but that was it. I've been able to re-read most of it, because I am obcessed, but think it would be wise to set it aside until my trip to Nashville in August, y'know so I can enjoy it all over again .

I am currently in the proces of moving. The big move will be in about 3 weeks, but little by little I am getting stuff over there. I feel no particular feeling about the move, I don't care really, but it will be nice to see my parents settled in to where they are going to be for awhile.

I know I talk about alot of the stuff my friends boyfriend does and says, but it just cracks me up so I want to share. She went away this past weekend to a wedding in West Virgina. she left him her key so he could use her internet while she was gone. Her only situlation in this arrangment was that he clean out her hamster's cage while she was away. So he calls her Sunday night and says that he just can't clean it out becaus eit is too big of a mess, mind you it has only been a week since it was cleaned and he has helped her in the past. Shannon assured him that it didn't matter how big the mess was it was still cleaned out the same way, it really wasn't that hard. So he kept going on about how he just couldn't do it. She kept insisting that he do it. Finally he admitted that he really didn't want to tell her this but he was afaid of the hamster and couldn't pick it up... omg, the things this man comes up with are just getting better and better, lol. In the end he didn't clean out the cage and Shannon's daughter had to do it when she got home. I don't know if she is going to end up breaking up with him or marrying him but years down the road I will laugh about this stuff, lol.

shannon's bfs, friends, harry potter

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