Apr 12, 2005 15:50
Sometimes parents tell you things that you never in your life wanted to know. Today for exapmle I went with my parents to look at some houses they are thinking of buying. We drove by the "Adult Supercenter", I laughed and said 'ooh look you guys can live by the sex store'. They start talking about what they could possiblely sell there, they figured movies I added that they probably sell sex toys too. Then my mom said 'why would women need sex toys, your father was the best sex toy I ever had'...
That is something I could of gone my whole life without ever hearing. My dad of course is driving down the road with a stupid grin on his face, and I , at 25, was just trying to figure out a way to sink into the seat of the car and erase the moment from my head. I even comtemplated trying to obilivate myself with the umbrella in the back seat. I don't care what kind of sex life they have, I just never want to hear about it. Ew, ew, ew
wierd happenings