Sep 14, 2007 18:00
Today my father took my car to get the oil changed and what turned out to be a few other minor things that had to be taken care of, a good thing about living at home :) So, he told me to use his car for the day and he would take mine... his 2007 Trail Blazer. I think I may be so spoiled by my day with the Trail Blazer to go back to my Nissan Sentra with out feeling let down. It was great. I was so high off the ground, it was so big and safe feeling, like nothing could touch me. Not to mention things that would usually rattle me and my little car, like running over pedestrians that get in my way, went completely unnoticed in this vehical, except the blood of course.
I know they are gas guzzelers and horrible for the enviroment, but damnit, I like 'em. N ot that I am going to run out and get one though *is poor* but one day.. one day when I am a thousandair and can afford massive car payment and higher insurence I to will feel the joy of 4 wheel driving through 3 feet of snow on my way to work in the morning.
In other news, I spent 5 hours, straight, getting ready for my Hematology quiz next week and tomorrow I shall do the same thing for Immunohematology... *fun* and then after all that I will actaully sit downa nd study for the quizzes. Speaking of studying I have been told by both my fellow student and a few teachers that I have to relax about my studying O...o I don't know what planet they are living on but some people do not read it once and understand it. Some of us need to read it and write it, a few times, say it out loud and then continually read over out own notes so we can visualize them in our brain. I am one of these people, everyone else I think may be those "other" people so frankly they can just shut their mouth about "relaxing" and while they enjoy partying and cramming the night before I shall take up residence in the cornor of the Borders cafe for hours at a time. I feel old saying this but really even when I was younger I still was never able to cram for a test and do well... does this just make me dumb? Ok, maybe dumb is to strong a word but perhaps just not the sharpest tack in the box... Is it bad that I just finished my first full week and I am feeling this way?
I'm excited Stacy may fly up to drive back down... confused at the notion, but excited none the less.
I hate myself on video.
I feel fat, even though fat is not a feeling, but because of the above random thought I still feel it.
You can actually see your hand cramp up.
My mother informed me that she is getting gastric bypass surgry, w hich is much bigger then lap-band surgry, I really hope it helps her achieve her goals.
I have a 30 min group oral presentation in 2 weeks that I am completely fretting about yet it seesm to early to begin worrying...