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Jul 17, 2011 22:54


OOC Information:
Name: Greed
Age: 19
AIM: toothlessly
MSN: fullmetal.greed@hotmail.com
E-MAIL: fullmetal.greed@hotmail.com

IC Information:
Name: Rorschach (Walter Kovacs)
Fandom: Watchmen
Timeline: 1985, shortly before going to Karnak with Dan
Age: 45
Appearance: Rorschach is not a very tall man. Always toting a fedora, he bundles himself up in a scarf, long brown trench coat, and pinstriped suit underneath. The most remarkable thing about him is the constantly-shifting mask he is always wearing, white and black moving symmetrically across his face. Beneath the mask he is fairly unattractive, with ginger hair and a face that’s almost squashed-looking.

Abilities: Rorschach comes with a variety of skills. He is a powerhouse packed into a tiny man, and uses his size to his advantage in addition to his strength. He does not carry weapons, fighting hand-to-hand instead, but does carry a gun-like grappling hook. He does not have any special powers, and instead uses his will and technical abilities, using any and all items available at the time as weapons: cooking fat, pepper, hairspray, a cigarette, his jacket, a fork, and a toilet bowl, for example, have all come in use to him at some point.

Rorschach is well-versed in street combat, gymnastics, and boxing. He is shown to be capable of defeating multiple assailants with little difficulty. He is relatively indifferent to physical pain and discomfort, shown through his walk through Antarctica in only his trenchcoat, unlike Dan, who bundled up in a specialized snowy owl version of his Nite Owl costume. Due to his time in the Charlton home he is as street-savvy as any criminal, and shows exceptional skill in picking locks and breaking into areas.

He is shown to be extremely strong, kicking apart a toilet bowl in one blow and breaking through a lock that gave a team of policemen trouble. Nite Owl describes him as "tactically brilliant, and unpredictable", and he possesses exceptionally good detective skills.

Personality: Rorschach views things in extreme shades of black and white. There is no grey to him, because he has lived in this world of shades of grey for so long and been victim to it, and he does not like that the grey justifies the continued victimization of both him and others. Making the world a place of black and white is second nature. His mask, too, is constantly-shifting black and white, but never, ever grey. He considers the mask his true face, and the one beneath it is the disguise. Throughout the early chapters of the book, a small red-haired man walks through the city, toting a large sign reading THE END IS NIGH. It is not until later that the audience discovers that this man is actually Rorschach.

He does not ever forget the victim. Breaking fingers or even killing are nothing to him -- if you've done something extremely wrong, Rorschach will be merciless. He passes judgment on everything with extreme moral certitude, judging everyone and everything he comes into contact with. He feels the need to act on those judgments on occasion, but mostly just jots them down in his journal. There, he narrates the tale of Watchmen, and gives the reader insight into his mind. He is constantly commenting on society, the other characters, and the mystery of the story itself.

There is no one in Rorschach's life. The only other people he really has are the other masks, and when they all retire, he considers them to have betrayed him. He is completely fixated on Edward Blake's murder while the rest of the world is on the edge of nuclear war, because he seems to crave that camaraderie, whether he realizes it or not. He investigates because he must, he has to find out what's happening, but it also gives him the opportunity to rekindle old relationships, visit acquaintances he may not have had an excuse to see otherwise.

He is fixated on truth. No matter the cost, he wants the truth to prevail. Facing living with a lie or suffering obliteration, he willingly and readily chooses the latter, refusing to compromise, no matter what. He sees existence as random, which gives him the freedom to "'scrawl [his] own design' on a 'morally blank world'".

Politically, Rorschach is extremely right-wing, as well as both anti-communist and anti-liberal.

Rorschach is not without his more awkward traits. He is made uncomfortable by physical touch -- fighting is not a problem, but brushing up against him (even by accident) or even so much as tapping him on the shoulder makes him rather uncomfortable. Rorschach does not look for love -- he can be said to be asexual, creeped out by the idea of sexual relations and even just the thought of his own uncomfortable desires, described by the documentation of a dream he once had as a young teen -- the horrid feeling he got from the nightmare of his mother and her men further fueled his unwillingness to be comfortable with others.

Rorschach is also rather partial to sweets - he often has a few sugar cubes jammed into his pockets to crunch on.

History: From an early age, Walter Kovacs was a troubled young man. He never knew his father, and never even learned the man's full name, due to his disappearance two months before the child was born. Sylvia Kovacs, who divorced Peter Joseph Kovacs three years before Walter's birth, was either unable or unwilling to disclose any information on Walter's father, only giving the name 'Charlie'. Shortly after the birth of her son, she was arrested on charges of prostitution. The additional costs of keeping an infant were probably what necessitated the new profession, and was probably what caused the resentment and cruelty Walter was forced to endure from her for the majority of his childhood.

Throughout his childhood, Walter witnessed the endless stream of men filtering through their home at all hours. He received beatings and verbal abuse, and in July of 1951, he was admitted into care after viciously attacking two older boys in the street and partially blinding one of them. When questioned, Walter would not answer what provoked the attack, and he was admitted to the Lillian Charlton Home for Problem Children in New Jersey. Removed from his mother's negative influence there, it was discovered that he did very well at schoolwork, excelling in the fields of literature and religious education, as well as possessing impressive skill in gymnastics and amateur boxing. He remained there until 1956, when it was decided he was both stable and intelligent enough to resume functioning in normal society. Kovacs struck most people as a little withdrawn but likeable, being able to converse reasonably and for lengthy amounts of time with classmates and instructors, though he was still rather shy around women.

His loathing of his mother remained, however, and shortly before he left the Charlton home in '56, news was received that his mother, who had never tried to contact her child and had continued to be involved in the world of small-time vice, had been murdered. Her body was found in a back alleyway in the South Bronx. The cause of death was the forced ingestion of Drano cleaning fluid. A man named George Paterson, her pimp, was later charged with murder for this. When Walter heard, then aged sixteen, he only commented 'Good.' Shortly after, Walter left to take up full employment in the garment industry, where he worked as an unskilled manual labourer. He remained in this occupation until he learned of the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese, in 1964. Outraged to find that neighbors had witnessed the attack and done nothing, Walter grew increasingly 'ashamed of humanity'. By chance or by fate, Walter had within his possession material for a dress ordered but never picked up by the victim.

An offshoot of Dr Manhattan's research, the technologically-advanced material reacted to subtle changes in heat and pressure. Walter created a mask out of it, and the movements of his facial muscles beneath it created shifting, symmetrical patterns of black and white similar to the inkblots of the well-known Rorschach exam. He found the lack of grey in the patterns comforting, considering it a face he could look at in the mirror, and thus, Rorschach was born.

In the late 60's, Walter teamed up with Dan Dreiberg, the second Nite Owl, and they achieved considerable success tackling the city's growing gang problem together. They contemplated joining the Crimebusters, the group Ozymandias was forming, but did not when the effort fell apart.

For a long time in his mind, Kovacs was only playing at being Rorschach. He lead a dual life between his daytime employment and his nocturnal activity as Rorschach, until the moment he stopped being soft and actually killed. The honor of being the first criminal to die by Rorschach's hand went to Gerald Grice, a murderer and child molester who fed six-year-old Blaire Roche to his pair of German Shepherds in 1975. None of the three escaped Rorschach's vengeance, and it can be said that Walter Kovacs was killed as well, leaving only a further-twisted Rorschach. Dan and Rorschach drifted apart, and when the Keene Act, the movement by US Senator Keene that stated that all 'masks' must either retire or reveal their identities, was passed in 1977, Nite Owl hung up his cowl. Rorschach, however, refused to quit and was branded an outlaw by the authorities.

After the passing of the Keene Act, Rorschach remained the only member of the Crimebusters still active. He investigated the murder of Edward Blake, or rather, the Comedian, one of only two government-sponsored masks. Realizing someone was picking off costumed heroes, his belief was strengthened when Dr Manhattan was forced into exile and Adrian Veidt, or rather, Ozymandias, was targeted with an assassination attempt.

Rorschach interrogated Moloch, a former supervillain, who told him what little he knew of the murder. After reading a note sent to him by Moloch, telling him to come over for more information, Rorschach visited him again. He discovered there that Moloch had been killed, shot through the head. The police were tipped off and Rorschach was arrested after a vicious fight.

Imprisoned in a jail populated by criminals Rorschach had put away, he met Dr Malcolm Long, who tried desperately to understand him. Rorschach, now unmasked and unwilling to speak of his early life to the well-intentioned psychiatrist, instead told him what transformed him into Rorschach in the first place. He shook the doctor to the core. Simultaneously, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre began to believe Rorschach's theory, and worked on breaking him out of the prison.

Chaos broke out in the jail. Rorschach was threatened by mob boss Big Figure, a dwarf man who had been waiting twenty years to exact his revenge. When one of his lackeys reached through the bars of Rorschach's cell, enraged by his noncommital, sarcastic attitude, Rorschach bound him to the cell bars, his hands and arms covering the lock that would let them in to punish Rorschach. They had no choice but to kill him, and Rorschach stood waiting for the man to die as the spray of blood soaked his side. "One-nothing. Your move. Come and get me," was all he commented.

In the pandemonium, Rorschach escaped his cell and stalked through the empty halls of the prison. Nite Owl and Silk Spectre, looking for him, discovered his empty cell. They saw him standing in the hall then, unmasked and without his normal jacket and fedora. Barely recognizing him by his posture, they followed him to the mens' room, where he entered and, unbeknownst to them, killed Big Figure. He greeted the pair properly, commenting on their superhero garb and following them to Dan's Owlship, Archimedes, where they escaped. Returning to Dan's apartment, Silk Spectre was spirited away by Dr Manhattan, who had returned from his exile long enough to transport her to Mars. Rorschach and Dan left as well, going instead to the run-down apartment building Rorschach had been living in. Terrorizing his landlady, who had told the press that he had made sexual advances toward her, he collected his personal effects, which were his clothes, his mask, and his journal.

Dan and Rorschach departed then, and Dan began to argue with the theory of the mask killer, saying he'd had it with Rorschach both living off people and simultaneously insulting them, getting away with it mainly because they all thought he was a lunatic. Rorschach admitted that it must be difficult sometimes, and offered his hand in apology. From there they went to underground bars, trying to find out who ordered the assassination attempt on Veidt. They obtained a name, Pyramid Deliveries, and headed to Veidt's office, discovering his dealings with the company and the fact that he was possibly, in fact, the mask killer. Rorschach finished the journal he had been writing since before the beginning of the novel, stating that "whatever nature of the conspiracy, Adrian Veidt is responsible."

Roleplay Sample - Log: (Written in third person, past tense, any setting [Changed 6/25! - 'any canon setting - or Facility based.'] )

He moved slowly, leather shoes making no noise on the cheaply-tiled floor. He did not make a sound as he slipped through the house, examining everything without commotion. He could not afford to alert anyone to his presence - not even the dogs.

The house was dark. The house was also completely filthy, but that’s not something he had a problem with - what he minded is the lack of what he was searching for: the little girl whose family would do anything to have her back.

And when he found what he was looking for - but it wasn’t a little girl, no. It was, rather, a pair of tiny panties, stuffed into the wood stove. It was proof that he was too late.

Rage welled up inside him. When he looked out of the window, there were a pair of German shepherds fighting over something - a leg bone. A tiny, flowered shoe, caked in dirt.

And he cracked. Anger poured through the spaces. He only had to wait now.
And when the killer arrived, he would make him sorry. No, not sorry.
He would make him pay.

Roleplay Sample - Journal: (Written in first person, IC, as though it were a journal entry.)

Rorschach’s Journal, March 1985.

Do not know where this is.

Have many questions, but most residents of this facility seem distrustful. Many are strange, or inhuman. I cannot be certain of anything.

Will make certain to research further later. For now, will explore and determine the extent of the building. I will return home as quickly as possible.

Cannot leave events unattended.

Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here. I have none!


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